Country Manager – China
Jose is Peruvian. He came to China in late 2003, after obtaining a Chinese government scholarship for a Master of Business Administration (MBA) at the Wuhan University of Technology, where he graduated in early 2006.

Since his arrival in China he has visited and negotiated with innumerable Chinese companies across the country, which has allowed him to have a vision and a much deeper understanding of China, its culture and the way of doing business in this country.The experience gained since 2005 made him advise Latin American businessmen about doing business in China, especially in the process of finding suppliers, logistics, negotiation with Chinese businessmen and follows up on purchase orders.

Currently living in Guangzhou, the city from where he directs the operations of Biz Asia Ltd. in the People’s Republic of China.

Country Manager – Ecuador

Hector is from Ecuador. He came to China in 2004 with a Chinese government scholarship for a Master of Business Administration (MBA) at the Wuhan University of Technology, from which he graduated in 2006. During his years in China he travelled around the country and visited various companies and trade fairs, as well as major production sites as part of their research projects.

In 2007, he moved to live in the United States to work in Miami for Felipe Gregorio Inc., which manufactures and distributes cigars. As Operations Manager his functions were the purchase and importation of cigars from the Dominican Republic and Nicaragua as well as handling the management distribution nationwide in the United States.

At the beginning of 2010 Hector associated with Jose Lopez to integrate Biz Asia Ltd. Hector goes to take charge of the subsidiary in Ecuador Biz Asia SA where he manages alliances and Latin American operations.


South China Quality Control & Inspections Manager
Benjamin is a native of Veracruz - Mexico. In 2005 he arrives in China with a Chinese government scholarship for a Master of Business Administration at the Wuhan University of Technology.

After completion of the master in 2008 he was hired by the Spanish company Resmar Iberica, it commercializes parts, accessories and components for motorcycles in Europe. Benjamin has been in charge of quality control and follows up orders in the main factory in China where the company buys its products. He has coordinated the purchases with various suppliers in the province of Guangdong for Resmar. Speaking fluent Mandarin has allowed him to manage factory production times, supervision of production lines, approval or rejection of the standards of quality, inventory control, budget management and resolution of various quality problems.This experience has made him know in depth what it means and involves working in Chinese factories.

Benjamin currently manages quality supervision and factory inspection to Biz Asia Ltd. throughout Southern China.

North-East China Manager
Adriana moved to China from her native Venezuela in 2003 with a Chinese government scholarship for a Master of Business Administration (MBA) at the Wuhan University of Technology.

In 2006 she joined to work on Ancla International, where she was responsible for the administration and purchases management of Latin companies in China. Part of her duties in Ancla were advising Latin American companies wishing to do real estate business in China or establish operations in Chinese territory and accompany clients to trade fairs and business travels throughout the country.

A year later she joins Sirona Dental Systems in Foshan, a german company that is part of Siemens Group.Her work here was the development of strategic plans of the company in China as well as the exports management from China to various markets, especially Latin American.

Adriana lives in Shanghai where she collaborates with Biz Asia Ltd. and as a consultant for ICS Penetron International, an American company specializing in waterproofing and advisor to various builders in China.

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