Biz Asia and Silogiat organize Mexican businessmen trade mission to China in 2010

SILOGIAT and BIZ-ASIA Ltd. make a cordial invitation to attend the business 2010  Canton Fair and Shanghai World Expo trip to China. The main purpose of the trip is to assist to the Canton Fair in its first and second phases. We have also prepared some activities for developing business with wholesale suppliers of the main markets of Guangzhou.

During the stay in China, our experts will give advice and tips to get the best out of the negotiations that Mexican businessmen want to set.

To learn more about the itinerary, lodging, and all that the tour included, download the pdf file that we offer below:

Mexican businessman trade mission (3.26 MB)

More information:

Emparan 245 Int. 103 Col. Centro C.P. 91700 Veracruz, Ver. MEXICO
Tel: (229)1786334    Email:

Biz Asia gave conference on "Doing Business in China" at the Universidad San Francisco de Quito

On August 30, 2010 Biz Asia gave a conference on How to Do Business with China to undergraduate students at the Universidad San Francisco de Quito. This talk is part of the sequence of talks that the university offers to all its students.

The presentation was made by Hector Calderon, Country Manager for Biz Asia Ecuador. The conference included various historical issues and explanations in order to understand current developments in China and its economic growth.

Such talks are intended to teach people and let them know the changes that China had in recent years.

MIAMI .- After Canton Fair in April of 2011 the directors of Biz-Asia Inc. and TradeM Inc. signed a preliminary agreement in the city of Guangzhou. Later in Miami they sealed the alliance which will allow both companies to develop business in Latin America and the United States.

This alliance will provide a comprehensive procurement service management to customers in Latin America. In this way all the search process and selection of suppliers in China, procurement along with the rest of the services offered by both companies will be facilitated due to their permanent presence inthe United States, China and Latina America.

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